Thursday, August 23, 2012

Finals Week Topped Off With Red Duct Tape

Most of my blog entries will be current happenings, but this was just too good not to blog about.  

This past spring I, like everyone else on campus, was extremely stressed with finals.  Something I DIDN'T expect to have to stress about car.  Mid finals week, I head to my car to leave for work.  Seeing as I lived in the Alpha Phi house, I had the advantage of parking in a separate lot from other Washburn students.

As I walk to my car I notice something VERY wrong.  Someone, had noticeably kicked the drivers mirror right off my car!  The perpetrator used such force that the three screws securing the mirror to my car were split in half- half the screw was in my mirror, the other half still in my car.  I can not even describe what was going through my head at the time except complete disbelief.  Someone went out of their way to walk into our house's parking lot and do this!  Of course, the closest security camera was yards away and unusable.

So what did I do?  I made the 10 minute drive to Walmart (without the use of my mirror) and purchased red duct tape.  You know you have a trashy car when you have to keep duct tape in your glove compartment just to keep your car from falling apart!


About My Blog

Hi all!  My name is Cate and this is my blog.  My is called 365 Days of Problems #I'mACollegeStudent.  I decided to use this topic for multiple reasons, but perhaps the biggest one being that is is extremely relevant to anyone reading my blog.

Being a full-time college student, belonging to a sorority, having a job, living with 4 other people (one is gay, one is a Turkish exchange student and two are my sorority sisters) and also living with three puppies, life can be pretty hectic at times!  Every day creates challenges I must solve- some more sever than others.  I created this blog for the main purpose of entertainment.  
