Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bees Suck!

Well, I made a post about MY puppy, now it is time to make a post about my roommate's dog (my puppy's brother.)

As you can tell by the photo, Maximus just doesn't look right- his face is HUGE!  Well let me tell you, it is quite the story.

Last night, Korissa, my roommate and Maximus' owner, was going to stay the night at our sorority, so I told her I would watch Max for the night.  At about 11p.m., I decided to go to bed, so like normal, I let both puppies outside to do their business, then brought them both to my room with me.  Sampson (my puppy) always sleeps with me, and on the nights I watch Max, he too joins us in bed.

Well last night I just couldn't understand it!  Max just wouldn't stay in bed.  Finally after the third time of him jumping out of bed, I decided to put him in his kennel for the night as "punishment."

Only a few minutes after putting him in his kennel, I heard a horrible retching noise!  Seeing as my other roommate was watching a horror movie in the same room, I asked her what that noise was.  Her response was that she thought it was Max.  I quickly jumped out of bed and found Max, vomiting white foam in his kennel.  After watching him vomit 3 times i tried getting him upstairs and outside.  There, he continued to vomit the white foam and appeared to be "foaming at the mouth."  

Knowing he was up-to-date on all his shots (including his rabies) I was terrified that he had found something that had poisoned him.  Thankfully Korissa was still at the house, so I quickly ran upstairs to her room and told her that Max was extremely sick.  Thinking I was overreacting, she came downstairs and saw what I was talking about.  Only in the minutes it took me to get Korissa and for us to come downstairs, the whole left side of his face had swelled up five times the normal size and was hard as a rock!

Immediately Korissa knew he was having an allergic reaction to something and began getting his things together to go to the emergency vet clinic on Gage.  While she gathered his things, I took his collar off in case his throat and neck started swelling as well.  Once in the car, I called the vet to let them know we were coming and poor Max's face had now started swelling on the right side and around his eyes.

I would be lying if I told you I wasn't slightly panicking by this point.

The vet, once seeing Max, laughed and knew he must have been stung by a bee or wasp.  Apparently some dogs are as allergic to them as humans are!  She injected him with some steroids and instructed us to give him Bennadryl for the next few days.  Right before leaving, our roommate that stayed at home called me a told me that she had found a honey bee on the back porch.  It apparently had no stinger and was dying.  

Yup, Max is deathly allergic to bees!  The picture above was taken less than 30 minutes after he was stung.  The vet said that if he had been stung and we had left not knowing that he had been stung, that his face probably would have swelled up to the point it killed him!  

Talk about a scary night!

This morning his face was completely swelled down and he was acting like his normal self.  Now we just have to spray the yard for stinging insects!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Teachers Talk...I'm Convinced

Have you ever been sitting in class, staring at your agenda wondering why you have so many tests in one week?  Well, I'm convinced that teachers talk and decide to all give out their first test on the first week.

I don't really think like this, but sometimes (like this week for me) it seems like it.  This week alone I had 5 tests!  Talk about studying.  I also had multiple assignments, projects and study guides do along with each test.  Basically, again, I was stressed.  I decided that I needed to time manage this week like crazy!

What I did, was ranked what I needed to do from most to least important.  I really tried to stay focused and keep myself away from facebook and other social media.  I found this video and I really feel like it has some good advice for stressed college students!  Enjoy

Video Courtesy of YouTube.com

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Vampires Aren't The Only Ones That Don't Like Garlic

This is my four-month-old puppy Sampson!  Sam is 3/4 Boxer, 1/4 Basset Hound and is the love of my life.  He goes pretty much does everything with me- go to the store, go to work, sleep in bed with me, ect.  Well, as I mentioned in a previous post, I nanny for a family with three girls.  The family absolutely loves Sam and basically REQUIRES him to come with me with I nanny.

That being said, yesterday Sam came with me to their house and we were there from 1p.m. to 7p.m.  John, the father, came home briefly to help me prepare dinner for the girls.  It was something simple, but healthy: grilled chicken, broccoli and carrots.

Being the age they are, the girls had food left over on their plates (obviously their eyes were bigger than their stomachs.)  Normally, I try to stay away from giving Sam human food, but every now and then, I cave.  With a few pieces of chicken, a piece of broccoli and a carrot left on the girls' plates, I generously gave them to Sam.  He DEVOURED them all and was one happy puppy.

About an hour later, I left and Sam took his normal position in the front, passenger seat.  About 15 minutes from home, he started shaking and breathing uncharacteristically.  I called my boyfriend in a panic begging him to google if carrots or broccoli were poisonous for dogs.  Telling me to chill out, he did what I asked and found that neither were, but that onions and garlic could be lethal!  Immediately I began panicking even more because I realized that the broccoli was seasoned with garlic powder!  Reading more, my boyfriend found out that garlic powder wasn't necessarily harmful for dogs, but it just gave them bad gas (he then suggested for me to NOT sleep with Sam that night.)

Minutes later, Sam was completely normal again and by 9p.m., I had put the "almost accident" behind me.  As I laid down for bed a few hours later, Sam got in his normal position- butt in my face, sprawled out over 90% of my bed.  Just as I began drifting off, a HORRENDOUS smell wafted my way.  Needless to say, Sam's garlic was fighting back and I felt as if I needed a gas mask to sleep.

So what did I learn?


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Stressed To The Max

Well this week has been such a hectic week for me!  Washburn's Sorority Recruitment is this week so I have been extremely busy working with my sorority.  Call time is 4:30p.m. all week and on average we aren't finished until after 11:00p.m.

On Tuesday/Thursdays I have class from 11:00-12:15p.m. then I have to be at work by 1:00p.m.  I am working this week until 4:00p.m. and have 30 minutes to drive home, change into my recruitment clothes and be at campus!  On Monday/Wednesdays I have class from 11:00-5:15p.m. and have a matter of minutes to get to my sorority house and change clothes.

So, you may ask, when do I have time for ANYTHING else?  Well, I really don't!  Homework and school has become a secondary thought when it should be my primary.  I am really struggling this week juggling everything.  My house is a complete mess, I feel like I have been neglecting my dog and my school work (well it definately has not been up to parr.)

I think I am going to go crazy!
