Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Why can't there be 100 hours in a day?

Recently I have had a lot of trouble with time management.  I feel that I time manage fairly well, however sometimes I have too many "important" things to do in one day and I find out that I have no idea how to do it all in 24 hours!  Between doing homework, cleaning, taking care of my dog, studying for classes and work, I have found myself struggling to complete everything with 110% effort.  

You know how back in high school health class, the teacher strongly pushed getting at least eight hours of sleep every night?  Well I have found that my habits of going to bed by 10:30/11:00p.m. every weekday has, in effect, made getting everything done harder.  By going to bed at a decent hour, my body has gotten use to it, and now, anytime I try to stay up later to study, I find it next to impossible because my body and brain shut off and tell me, "it's time for bed."

I have thought up multiple solutions to this problem:
           * Go to bed later every night by one hour
           * Wake up earlier every morning to start sooner on my "To Do List"
           * Throw so much caffeine in my system that I can't sleep

The last solution is something I only do during finals week, so don't worry, I am not a caffeine addict!

In the long run, I feel that going to bed a bit later is going to be the easiest thing to do. Telling myself, "oh, I will just get up early and do it in the morning," rarely works for college students.  When you wake up, tired and wanting to stay in bed, seeing that you have a few hours extra that you COULD sleep often is too much of a temptation.  I think that for the remaining weeks of the semester, I will prioritize what is due, and change my average "bed time" to 11:30p.m./12:00a.m.



  1. I understand what your feeling, I find it very hard to wake up sometimes. I think I am planning my schedule better next semester so I have a lot more time to work on homework. Hang in there, we only have a few more weeks left!

  2. I feel you completely, and I am one of those people that needs at least 8 hours of sleep at night as well! I always try to be in bed between 10 and 11. As a result of that, I generally spend most of my weekends doing homework/studying. My social life has declined because of this. I don't know that I could give up my 8 hours of sleep, haha, but I might try going with 7 and see what happens!

  3. I completely understand you...I own a small business, obviously finishing my degree at WU, I have a home (large yard which =lots of work), and a family that I love to spend time with. It's tough sometimes but hang in there...hope you can find some rest and relaxation over holiday break :)
